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Image by Luke Chesser
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Neuroplasticity Therapy Innovation Summit 2022

November 7-10, 2022
Free Online Event

Unlock the Power of Your Brain!

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NPA's 2022 Neuroplasticity Therapy Innovation Summit brings together leading therapists, neuroscientists, technology developers, and investors to bring you a deep understanding of the powerful ways neuroplasticity-based therapy can unlock the brain's ability to restructure and repair itself, allowing everyone to regain lost capabilities and expand their potential.  

Experts Are Saying...

"The idea that the brain can change its own structure and function through thought and activity is, I believe, the most important alteration in our view of the brain since we first sketched out the workings of its basic component, the neuron."
          ~ Norman Doidge

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“Lose your mind and create a new one."
          ~Joe Dispenza

Your brain - every brain - is a work in progress. It is 'plastic.' From the day we're born to the day we die, it continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining, as a function of how we use it.
~          Michael Merzenich
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“Among other things, neuroplasticity means that emotions such as happiness and compassion can be cultivated in much the same way that a person can learn through repetition to play golf and basketball or master a musical instrument, and that such practice changes the activity and physical aspects of specific brain areas."
           ~Andrew Weil

"Buddhism has long had a theory of what in neuroscience is called the plasticity of the brain."
          ~Dalai Lama XIV

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What You'll Learn...

Hear from renowned experts about a range of existing and upcoming neuroplasticity-based therapies that can help tackle the root cause of neurological challenges. 

For practitioners, determine how to evaluate and locate neuroplasticity-based therapies for your healthcare practice.


For Individuals, learn how to educate your healthcare network on the effectiveness, supporting science, and integration of neuroplasticity-based therapies into your care plan. 

Engage with others who have similar neurological challenges to learn which therapies have helped them and why.


Support your family and friends by sharing the knowledge you gain in the Summit.

Identify potential partners for expanding and scaling your neuroplasticity-based business.

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860 JOHNSON FERRY ROAD, SUITE 140-314  |  ATLANTA, GA 30342  |  404.441.8329

©2022 by The Neuroplasticity Alliance. 

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860 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 140-314  |  Atlanta, GA 30342  |  404.441.8329

©2022 by The Neuroplasticity Alliance. 

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